General Alaskan Malamute Information


The AKC defines an Alaskan Malamute as, “An immensely strong, heavy-duty worker of spitz-type, the Alaskan Malamute is an affectionate, loyal, and playful but dignified dog recognizable by his well-furred plumed tail carried over the back, erect ears, and substantial bone.”  They caution, “Mals are pack animals. And in your family ‘pack,’ the leader must be you. If a Mal doesn’t respect you, he will wind up owning you instead of the other way around. Firm but loving training should begin in early puppyhood.”

The Alaskan Malamute is a loyal intelligent animal, which can sweet and affectionate toward their owners, but without firm leadership and daily exercise, they can become destructive and agitated.  Malamutes love to please so they are very trainable, but they need someone who is willing to be firm, confident, and consistent because they can be stubborn and have a mind of their own.  Malamutes can be good around small animals if they have been introduced to these animals beforehand and believe them to be a part of their pack.  They have a high prey drive, so they should be supervised around unfamiliar small animals.  Malamutes can be combative with other dogs, especially dogs of the same gender.  Firm handling, training, and socialization can curb this.  Overall Malamutes are great pets when handlers put in the effort to train them properly and care for them.


Did You Know?

    1. The Alaskan Malamute is perhaps the oldest and definitely the largest of the Arctic sled dogs. The breed is named after the Mahlemut, an Inuit tribe from Alaska’s Kotzebue Sound area.
    2. The Alaskan Malamute is a freighting dog, built to pull heavy loads for long distances. They are highly athletic with a well muscled body, deep chest, strong legs and a plume of a tail that waves over his back.
    3. An Alaskan Malamute’s head is broad with prick ears and dark-brown eyes. He has distinctive markings: a cap over the head and a face that is either all white or marked with a bar or mask. The coat comes in several colors, including white (the only solid color allowed), and gray, black, sable and red, all with white on the belly, legs, feet and face.



The Alaskan Malamute is the largest of the Arctic dogs. This thick, well-built dog is solid with a plumed tail that is held over the back. The head is wide with erect ears. The eyes are of medium size, dark brown small, and almond in shape and are obliquely placed in the skull. The dog holds an image of a wolf but with a proud, sweet expression. The feet are large, of the snowshoe type with tough pads. The thick, coarse double coat averages one to three inches in length and comes in a range of light gray to intermediate shadings of black, sable and shadings of sable to red. Combinations include wolf gray, black and white, wolf sable (red undercoat with dark gray outer coat) or red. The only solid color allowed is white. The dog often has darker highlights and sometimes has a dark mask or cap. The legs and muzzle are almost always white. In some areas, dogs may be either smaller or larger than the official standard.



The Alaskan Malamute is extremely loyal and intelligent, sweet and most affectionate toward its master. Great with children who are old enough to play with him safely. If its canine instincts are met, it matures into a dignified and mellow adult dog. They are very friendly and therefore are not suitable as guard dogs. Malamutes are happiest living outdoors as long as they receive enough companionship, but they also enjoy living indoors where their human "pack" lives. Without firm leadership and daily mental and physical exercise, these dogs may become destructive nuisances, acting like big, rambunctious puppies. Malamutes love outdoor activities and even do well in obedience with firm encouragement. Although it can be difficult to train Malamutes for formal obedience, it is not particularly hard to train them to be well-mannered because they love to please. Males can be very dominant. This breed needs the humans around him to be firm, confident and consistent pack leaders. Some dogs may be difficult to housebreak. This breed is a thrifty feeder and needs less food than you might expect. However they do tend to wolf down whatever is offered, which can lead to obesity and bloat. Malamutes are quiet compared to most dogs but they do like to howl and dig. This breed should be supervised around unfamiliar small animals, as they have a strong prey instinct. This does not mean they are not good with small animals; some Malamutes have been known to raise small kittens as their own. Both sexes can be combative with other dogs, especially with the same sex and breed and firm handling and training are necessary to curb this. Proper socialization with people and other dogs is imperative. Obedience training is highly recommended.


General Height & Weight

Average Height: Males 24 - 26 inches (61 - 66 cm) Females 22 - 24 inches (56 - 61 cm)

Average Weight: Males 80 - 95 pounds (36 - 43 kg) Females 70 - 85 pounds (32 - 38 kg)


Exercise Requirements

Malamutes are a working breed and need a reasonable amount of exercise which can include long daily walks.


General Life Expectancy

About 12-16 years.


Grooming Requirements

The Alaskan Malamute has a dense coat that requires regular grooming. This breed sheds very heavily. The undercoat comes out in clumps twice a year.